Students Miracle Morning Routine

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i am super excited today to share with you my miracle morning routine if you followed along on our blogs i have mentioned my miracle morning for quite some time and it's about time that i finally sit down and do a blog on it a lot of you have asked about it a lot of you have shared w

so it's visualizing in detail the life you want e is exercise so having some kind of exercise in your morning this is the only one i don't do in the morning because i don't like to have to shower in the morning i shower at night so i try to do that later in the day but it is recommended in the mirror for morning so it's worth mentioning r is reading so making sure you're reading about 10 pages or a certain time limit of a really good book and this is usually a nonfiction book that will help your life in some way it's adding a benefit to your life .


in some way giving you knowledge giving you tips and tricks or just educating you on a certain topic and then the last s is for silence so this is things like meditation prayer um those kind of things where you're just sitting in silence for a certain amount of time so in the book the miracle morning hal elrod goes through each of these things there's a chapter on each and he talks about the actual research behind why they are important he talks about him putting them into his life and how it's changed his life and gives a lot of examples on different things you can do for each of those so definitely read more about those if you're interested because what works for me might not work for you i am a christian so for silence i do prayer but if you are atheist or something like that obviously that probably wouldn't make sense so you could do things like meditation or other things that how alright talks about in the book.

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  so i would definitely recommend reading that so you actually know your different options for each of these categories because there are different options for each so i'm just going to take you through a typical miracle morning for me i wake up at 5am most mornings i have my coffee already going i have it set up the night before so it's brewed when i wake up i get some creamer out i pour it in my cup and then i pour some hot coffee i come into the living room and sit down hal elrod talks about how it's beneficial to not be in bed because you don't want to fall back asleep you want to be focused and this is a really time of focusing on yourself so i sit in the living room i usually have a blanket on me and i have my coffee and i'm all cuddled up and i'm excited for the day i have the lights slightly dim so i can slowly wake up and it's just like a such a quiet wonderful time with me on the couch i have my planner i have these three notebooks that i got at target i have my vision board i have a lap desk that i got at target just so i can easily write um while sitting on the couch and i have one of many books so i'm whatever book i'm reading at that time i have with me and a pen so the very first thing i do and this is slightly different than the miracle morning i've adjusted it to make sense for my life but i get out my this is called my celia memory book my daughter's name is celia so i have this book that has memories i just started it about two months ago and i basically just write her age .