I would love for there to be more to do outside of terraforming

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I would love for there to be more to do outside of terraforming

Same, but I really do wish there was more to do out of decorating. I enjoyed visiting the city in ACCF and browsing all of the stores. There is Animal Crossing Bells no real equivalent now... just nook's with literally 5 total items, and ables sisters.

It's high hopes but I would love for some sort of"high end resort island" to be included, and you can go there to get some extra shops which are missing.I had a notion that Kapp'n would be the captain of a cruise boat, and it would have shops like Dr. Shrunk's club along with Harriet's salon. It would essentially combine Kapp'n's part in past games with The City and Main Street

I play a decent bit I would love for there to be more to do outside of terraforming and decorating. Because that side of this game is amazing, but the"jump on and run around because I like my island as is" facet of this game is fairly lackluster imo

I've been a participant for all 30 decades of my life. My mom has been a part of me getting every console from NES to my PS5. I received her creature crossing for Xmas (well, the switch and a guarantee of this game).

Only child with a single parent, she did her best with gaming. She's played animal crossing every single day. She retired early bc of the pandemic and wellness issues, and I could see her escaping issues from the match.

I can not even describe how much I appreciate this sport and what it's done for my mother. I finally feel like I've given some of the enjoyment she's helped me along with my whole life. It warms my heart every time I watch her pick her up switch.Can't imagine how I would've gone through 9 weeks at home without this match

I think of it like a zen garden. You are inclined to buy Animal Crossing Items things daily to make it look how you desire. There are games that I crush games and through I take my time . For instance Witcher and monster hunter are good slow matches, Mario and lego games are great to go awry on