How to Draw Cute Characters Easily

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Drawing cute animated characters, animals, and objects is becoming increasingly popular. They all look different but have one thing in common: cute faces.

How to Draw Cute Characters. Drawing cute animated characters, animals, and objects is becoming increasingly popular. They all look different but have one thing in common: cute faces.

Also, check our unicorn coloring pages.

Learning to draw cute facial features is the key to drawing cute things.

Luckily we have created a step-by-step guide on how to draw cutely, summarized in 9 simple and easy steps.

This tutorial also consists of 9 intricate illustrations accompanying each guide, making the process much easier!

The funny thing is that you can draw this face on almost anything! It can be a human, animal character, or even an object you want to bring to life! Remember, the sky is the limit of your imagination and creativity!

How to Draw Cute Characters

Step 1

Start by drawing an irregular circular shape in the middle of the paper. Remember that the bottom of the figure needs to be relatively wider than the top.

When creating an outline, remember to draw with light strokes. Wait to press down too hard with the pen so you can easily erase some parts of the outline that you don't need later.

Make sure the figure is drawn in the middle of your paper. To ensure this, you can create reference lines by drawing an intersecting horizontal and vertical line on the paper.

The point where the two lines meet marks the midpoint you should outline.

Step 2

Draw a small circular shape on the upper left side of the figure we drew in the previous step. This forms the outline of the left eye.

Next, draw two smaller circles inside the eye. Now shade all the eyes except for the two small circles to create a dramatic "shimmery eye" effect.

Step 3

Repeat the previous step on the opposite side of the character's face.

At this point, the cute character's left and right eyes should be finished.

Step 4

Draw two curved lines under the eyes side by side to shape the upper lip.

Make sure the lip is drawn in the middle of the bottom of the figure.

Step 5

Draw a U-shaped line below the upper lip to create the full mouth. This will form your character's bottom lip.

This makes the mouth look wide open, making your cute character very happy!

Remember to add a downward curve in the mouth to create the tongue!

Step 6

Draw a short line curving down just above each eye to create the eyebrows. Make sure the brow shape is even and drawn within the same layer.

After completing this step, your cute character's eyebrows should be complete.

Step 7

Draw a side oval shape on each cheek below the character's eyes. As a result, the cheeks appear flushed or as if they will blush.

This also adds a dramatic "blushing" effect, making your cute character even more adorable!

Step 8

Draw a side U-shaped curve below her cheeks on the left side of her body.

Next, draw two short curved lines across the bottom of the figure. This forms the left arm of the cute figure.

Step 9

Repeat the previous step on the opposite side of the cute character's body to form the right arm.

At this point, the cute character should now have a pair of arms.

After drawing a cute character, it's finally time for the part you've probably been waiting for, which is coloring your drawing!

Take this opportunity to demonstrate your artistic skills, particularly your ability to mix and match colors.

As you can see in the picture, we kept the colors light and simple. We colored the cute character's whole body blue while the flushed cheeks and tongue were pink.

You can color your drawing like ours or choose a unique color set.

We recommend the latter so you can personalize your artwork and make this experience even more fun!

Your Cute Characters Drawing is Finished!