Nightfall – स्वप्नदोष - Kaya Kalp International
Nightfall is also known as wet dreams or Sapandosh or Night Discharge or Nocturnal Emissions.
Nightfall is a condition where males ejaculate in their sleep, normally late at night or during the early hours of the morning.
Nightfalls involves the ejaculation of semen involuntarily by an erotic / sexual dream.
Excessive nightfall causes many harmful effects, for effective solution consult online sexologist in India.
Usually night falls happens in the night but sometimes it happens in the daytime also while sleeping. Night falls usually happens with sexual dreams but it may happen without dreams also. Mostly when nightfall happens one gets awaked and usually men presses penis from the tip goes to the toilet, release the grip release the semen in the toilet then again come to bed and go to sleep, but many times we come to know about the night falls in the next morning while seeing a semen patch on the the underwears or on the outside pants or pyjamas.
Normally, the frequency of night falls varies from one person to the other, although the majority of men experience this condition only during their adolescence. But there are some who faces this problem throughout their lives.
It can be seen in both men and women but its more common among male and rare in the females. A nightfall or nocturnal emission is considered to be a problem only if it is very frequent.
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