The 7 Most Profitable Blog Niches of 2023 [For Beginners]

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Hello, guys today in this article we are talking about the 7 most profitable blog niches of 2023. So this isn’t a general article about choosing your passion and then creating a vegetarian knitting blog that makes you no money.

Hello, guys today in this article we are talking about the 7 most profitable blog niches of 2023. So this isn’t a general article about choosing your passion and then creating a vegetarian knitting blog that makes you no money.

This article is about building a true business in the background of your life that raises your personal brand and changes your life.

So if you stay till the end I’ll give you my exact framework to find the most profitable niches, sub-niches, and new product categories that you can rank for and profit from for years to come.

But before we get started I want to tell you something we have to provide a free ebook on blogging. This EBOOK teaches you, how you can make 30,000$ per month. So if you want it then comment below.

What blog niches are more profitable?
So first of all we have to cover what actually makes a good niche. This is probably the most common question I got because bloggers are just starting and they actually have to choose what they’re actually going to write about is it my passion is it my hobby it’s my personal experience what is it I don’t know what it is.

So what we have to think about first is the number one thing you don’t want to pigeonhole yourself as a number. Don’t choose something tiny that you’re going to quit, don’t choose something where you can only write 10 to 20 articles.

We want something that is broad enough that you can eventually write 100 articles maybe 200 articles over the course of some years. So it has to be broad enough that you can test different sub-niches with it and see what works based on the data.

So we want to start broader with your personal brand. So you don’t have to like pigeonhole yourself to some tiny niche site.