Flowbee Haircutting System: Maintenance and Repair Guide

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The flowbee haircutting system is easy to care for and maintain, making it an excellent option for your home. It's also easy to repair if you need to.

The flowbee haircutting system is easy to care for and maintain, making it an excellent option for your home. It's also easy to repair if you need to. The following sections will teach you how to care for the Flowbee system and how to fix common problems that may arise.

Flowbee Maintenance and Cleaning

  • Wash the Flowbee cleaning brush. The flowbee cleaning brush is designed to remove hair from the cutting head and vacuum tube, but it can also collect lint and other debris. To clean this item, wash it with warm water and soap or use a damp cloth to wipe away any stains or dirt buildup on its surface.
  • Clean the Flowbee cutting head (if necessary).

If you notice that your Flowbee's blade doesn't cut very well anymore, then too much hair may be built up inside of it! To remove this hair:

  1. Unplug your clipper from its power source.
  2. Lay down some newspaper on your work surface.
  3. Hold onto one end of each blade with pliers while turning counter-clockwise until all four screws holding them in place are removed.
  4. Use another pair of pliers if necessary because these screws tend not to come out quickly due to corrosion over time due to exposure to air, water, etc.
  5. Once all four screws have been removed, pull gently towards the front edge where the blades meet the base plate, exposing the inner workings, including gears, etc. You should now see two pieces that look almost identical, except one has holes where blades go through while the other does not (see picture below).

Flowbee Clipping Guide

The flowbee hair cutter Guide is a template you place on your head, above the ears, and behind the neck. It has markings for different lengths of hair: ear length, eyebrow length, and nose length. Use this guide to clip your hair or someone else's!

Flowbee Motor Repair

The Flowbee motor is an electric motor that runs the cutting blades and trimmer head. The cord can break or fray, causing the motor to stop working. If this happens, you must replace it with a new one.

The first step in repairing your Flowbee motor is purchasing a replacement from our website or elsewhere online (we recommend searching for "Flowbee Motor Replacement"). Once you have purchased your new part, remove all excess hair from around where you plan on working so that no obstacles are getting in your way while replacing it!

Next up: open up both sides of your Flowbee by removing screws from each side with either a screwdriver or drill bit attachment, depending on what tools are available at home! Once both sides have been removed, we can access our old motor inside without having any trouble.

Now comes the time for installation, where we remove the old wires connected between the power source and switchboard before installing new ones onto their respective places within the system structure—easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

Flowbee Gasket Replacement

The gasket is a rubber or plastic ring that seals the vacuum from the motor. It can be replaced with a new one, making your flowbee haircut perform like new again.

To replace your old gasket, turn off the power to the Flowbee by flipping off its switch at the wall outlet or unplugging it from its power source if it's corded (or both). Next, unscrew two screws on either side of where they meet near where they screw into place inside the housing unit's casing; these hold together two halves of plastic housing comprising most of what makes up this particular part of your machine—you'll need pliers for this step because they're pretty tight! Once these screws are removed from their slots inside each half, carefully pull them apart while holding onto everything else so nothing falls out onto the floor, table, etc., then remove the old gasket(s) from inside each half before replacing them with new ones by pushing them back into place against corresponding surfaces inside their respective halves' openings until flush against edges around openings when finished securing tightly using thumbscrews provided upon purchase (make sure the safety release button doesn't get pressed accidentally!).

Flowbee Cord Replacement

Replacing the cord is a simple procedure. The first step is to remove the old cord from your Flowbee. Pull out the end until it comes out of its slot in your machine's body (you may need to wiggle it around a bit). Once you have removed this piece, unscrew its tip-side screws with a Phillips screwdriver and set them aside; these will be used again later on in this process.

Next up: remove any remaining pieces of hair or debris from your vacuum hair cutter by brushing through its interior with an old toothbrush or similar item (like an old paintbrush). Pour some warm water into a cup and use it as a lubricant when reassembling any parts that might require some extra force for them to fit back into place correctly after being cleaned out thoroughly like we just discussed above—this will help prevent damage due to friction caused by tightness between two surfaces rubbing against each other while moving together during regular operation later down the road if left untreated!

The Flowbee system is easy to care for and maintain.

The Flowbee system is easy to care for and maintain.

  • Clean the blade.
  • Remove loose hair from your Flowbee by hand, or use a vacuum cleaner if you have one available.
  • To clean the blade, use warm water and soap to wipe down each side, then rinse thoroughly with clear water before drying with a towel or cloth (do not dry in direct sunlight). Dry thoroughly before storing your Flowbee unit away for future use! You should do this every time you use your Flowbee attachment as well!
  • Replace gasket material whenever necessary. The gasket material on our clipper blades wears out over time due to repeated use; if yours needs replacing, we have replacement parts available here at www.svmproducts.com.

* Replace the cord every two years. Notice cracks forming around where wires come together inside the plastic casing. It might be time to install new ones without problems later on when things start happening, like shorts occurring within the electrical system, causing sparks to fly everywhere, causing possible fire hazards that could lead to burning down a house, etcetera ad infinitum.


As you can see, the Flowbee is a pretty complicated device. If you want to keep it running smoothly and avoid any problems in the future, it's best not to take any chances with your haircutting experience. Ensure you follow these steps carefully so your Flowbee will last for years!