Now let's look at a few gold mines to visit while leveling WoTLK Gold. Based the location I'm in right now, some of you might have a clue where this islocated, and you may have heard of the farm, however it's located right here in the Howling Fjord. I am recording this on the beta right now before the game launches.
So I haven't really explored everything here, I just went straight to this form here. We're performing in Holifield in Holifield, and I'm using a level 70 character I could have completed the level with pre-made however I decided to copy my WOTLK character WOTLK to the beta. Therefore, I'm able to try this one as your only level 70 characters and you will be able to see how easy this level is. This means that you have level 69 elementals these are fundamentally Lurker elementals or whatever you like to call them. Hence, every class is possible to form here , and you can create it as a gold class.
If you are using herbs, you can make the situation even worse. For a quick example here I can kill one mob at giving you some idea about what your limit could be as well, so let me take a couple of mobs and pull a couple of them instead of simply hitting one, because I can just Starfall , and you will be able to know the average amount of loot that you are likely to find from the farm. the farm itself is quite simple like I mentioned in the video earlier that WOW WoTLK Classic Gold you could look them up in a take a single piece of information, and it won't matter.