A Clogged Drain and Its Common Causes

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Clogged drains are a common problem in homes and a potential cause for seeking the services of a plumber.

Whether it's a slow-moving shower drain, a toilet that won't flush, or a blocked sink drain, blockages are the most common cause of drainage problems in homes and businesses. If blocked drains are not prevented or fixed quickly, they may lead to major issues that can be costly to solve.

To help you avoid the bothersome problem of a clogged drain, we've listed the most common causes of such an obstruction and some easy ways to avoid them. For such issues, hiring a plumber Sydney Cbd from the company like Mr Splash is a fine decision.

International Artefacts Put It down the Drain

One of the most common and preventable causes of drain clogs is the disposal of unwanted materials in the toilet. Anything from feminine hygiene products like tampons and pads to baby necessities like wipes and swabs and even the odd toy for a young child can fall into this category. Unfortunately, your drains were not built to handle these foreign objects, so they inevitably get clogged. This has several unpleasant consequences, the most obvious of which is sewage backing up into homes and businesses.

Prioritising the location of a wastebasket near the toilet may help prevent accidents involving the flushing of unwelcome items. You may now put your used cotton pads, face wipes, and other hygienic items in the trash can instead of down the toilet. You need to keep a close eye on the things your kids play with, including their toys, your car keys, and your phone.

Natural Debris, Including Decayed Leaves

The most common cause of clogged drains is natural material, such as leaves and twigs that are blown or washed into the gutters and eventually end up in the drains. Unfortunately, this problem is at its worst in wet weather, and neglected drains and overgrown gardens may make the situation much worse.

One of the most effective techniques of preventing leaves and other outside debris from entering drains is to cover the apertures with a drain guard. Although avoiding this one issue may be challenging, it is one of the most efficient means of avoiding other difficulties. If you've taken measures to prevent the problem (such installing drain covers and cleaning up the garden), but it still continues, it's better to get in touch with an outdoor drainage specialist who can assess the situation and provide solutions.

Expendable cooking oils and fats

Greasy and fatty particles, often poured down the drain after a meal, are the leading cause of blocked pipes. Many of us engage in this harmful behaviour, which accelerates the deterioration of the piping and sewage systems underneath our homes. Grease and fat that are flushed down the toilet or poured down the sink may build up in the pipes and lead to a problem called "Fatbergs." The accumulation of these fatbergs in the pipes causes clogging and subsequent backup problems.


If you want to avoid the blockages that cooking oil and fat may cause, don't flush the remaining grease and fat down the sink after you're done with the meal. Instead, dump it into a container and dispose of it in the trash. The drain pipes in your house will last longer and need fewer repairs by the Blocked Drains Sydney CBD services, saving you money over time.