Discover the Sharers - How to See Who Shared Your Post on Facebook

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Curious about who shared your Facebook post? Learn how to see who shared your post on Facebook and gain insights into your audience engagement.


How to see who shared your post on facebook, the social media giant, has become a hub for sharing thoughts, photos, and moments. If you've ever wondered who shared your post and sparked conversations around it, you're in the right place. In this guide, we'll dive into the steps to unveil the sharers of your Facebook posts. From finding shared posts to understanding engagement, we've got you covered.

How to See Who Shared Your Post on Facebook

Check Your Post Insights

One of the simplest ways to determine who shared your post on Facebook is by checking your post's insights. Facebook provides valuable analytics that give you a glimpse into your audience's behavior. To access this information:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and navigate to the post you're interested in.
  2. Click on the "Insights" option, usually found at the bottom of the post.

Within the insights, you'll find data on shares, likes, comments, and more. This data will help you understand the reach and impact of your shared post.

Look for Notifications

Facebook often sends notifications when someone shares your post. These notifications can appear in your notifications tab or may pop up as a notification on your device. When you receive a notification about your post being shared, it's an opportunity to engage with the sharer and further the conversation.

Utilize Shared Post Privacy Settings

Facebook offers privacy settings that allow users to control who can see their shared posts. If a user shares your post with a limited audience, you might not be able to see their share directly. However, you can still track shares through the insights and notifications mentioned earlier.

Use Third-Party Tools

Several third-party tools are designed to provide deeper insights into your Facebook activity. Tools like "SocialBench" and "BuzzSumo" can help you track the sharing activity on your posts, providing you with valuable data about who shared your content and where it's being shared.

Exploring Audience Engagement

Understanding who shared your post is just the beginning. It's equally important to grasp why your post resonated with your audience.

Analyze Comments and Reactions

The comments and reactions on your shared post offer insights into your audience's thoughts and feelings. Analyze the type of comments and reactions to gauge whether your content sparked conversations, evoked emotions, or encouraged discussions.

Engage with Sharers

Engaging with those who shared your post can lead to meaningful interactions. Respond to their shares with gratitude, additional insights, or questions to keep the conversation going. This not only strengthens your relationship with your audience but also encourages them to continue sharing your content.


Can I see who shared my Facebook post if it's shared in a private group?

Yes, if your post is shared within a private group, you can still see the shares in your post insights. However, you won't be able to see the individual names of group members who shared the post due to privacy settings.

Will the third-party tools require access to my Facebook account?

Yes, most third-party tools will require you to grant them access to your Facebook account. Make sure to choose reputable tools and read their privacy policies before granting access.

Can I see who shared my post if it's reshared by someone else?

While you can see the shares of the original post, you might not be able to see shares of the reshared content, as it depends on the resharing user's privacy settings.

How can I encourage more people to share my posts?

To encourage more sharing, create engaging and relatable content. Pose questions, share personal stories, and provide valuable information that resonates with your audience. Additionally, use eye-catching visuals that capture attention.

Is it possible to track shares of posts that are old?

Yes, you can track the shares of older posts by accessing their insights. Facebook keeps track of engagement data, even for posts from the past.

Can I see who shared my posts on the Facebook mobile app?

Yes, you can view post insights and notifications on the Facebook mobile app, allowing you to see who shared your posts while on the go.


Discovering who shared your Facebook post can provide valuable insights into your audience's interests and preferences. By utilizing Facebook's built-in features, exploring third-party tools, and analyzing audience engagement, you can gain a deeper understanding of your content's reach. Remember, engagement is key to building a strong online presence, so keep creating content that sparks conversations and resonates with your audience.