In the beginning mode, Q lasers are used. This mode is a semi-long pulse mode that helps stimulate collagen production and improve the appearance of pores. Also, the condition mode (a big spot size with low energy) tells the color-delivering cell or the melanocyte to "quiet" down by subcellular specific photothermolysis. It is also a safe method as the color-creating cell is not destroyed; it just gets told to "quiet" down. Veya Feel's laser treatment is done with a Q-changed device, which we consider the best.
It is the perfect treatment for patients that have corrective concerns such as shade irregularities, age spots or uneven complexions, open skin pores, tanned, messy, etc. This pigmentation treatment in Delhi can help to restore the "splendor" of your face, neck, and hands by reducing the severity and appearance. It promotes the production of sub-dermal collagen, which helps enhance skin texture and variety.
The laser treatment is non-ablative, so it does not damage the skin. The treatment does not cause swelling or an increase in size so that patients can continue with everyday activities. It is recommended that 4-6 conditioning sessions are required for both the face and body. Getting the hairs on your face to fade and fall off is also possible. It will give you the glowing skin that one seeks.
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